What do God‘s fingerprints look like and how do we recognize them in daily life?
Think about what a finger print is–a sign someone touched something. Sometimes they’re blatant–as when the boys and I covered a wall with handprints in our Washington house. But usually they’re invisible to the naked eye. It’s only when a detective specifically hunts or dusts for them that their ridges, markers and whorls appear.
Every fingerprint is original, it specifies one particular individual at a given location in time.
A lot of times I think God is like that. We don’t see him obviously moving through our life and touching things–leaving a mark as he did on Cain, for example–but that doesn’t mean He’s not at work. It just means we’re not looking at the events in our life with the proper lens, or at the right angle or with the best tools.
We need a God-lens, a Jesus-shaped prism, a Holy Spirit-inspired view.
I’m continually charmed at what I believe are God’s fingerprints in my life and in the lives of others. I’ve written about those stories often on World Magazine‘s Blog over the last six years. It’s time to come out from my anonymous “Michelle” and write openly about what I’ve seen and what I think it means.
I hope you’re join me–and share your stories, too.
Michelle, What a wonderful perspective! Thank you for sharing your heart