Several years ago I sat in my rocking chair to “have it out with God.” I was tired of talking about writing and trying to write a book. I needed to know if this desire to write was from God, or was something I only wished was from God.
I was willing to set it aside and do something else–getting a Ph.D. in American history has always been the fallback–if this wasn’t something God wanted me to pursue.
I’d been reading about prayer and one book exhorted us to “dream big,” and “ask for the impossible.” We also were advised to scrub our hearts and desires to determine what we really wanted.
While I’m not a “name it and claim it,” Christian, I decided to ask for the one desire of my heart.
“Okay, Lord, I want to write a book.”
Ping. The light went on in my brain. I’d already written several books.
“Okay, Lord, I need to revise that. I want to publish a book that makes a difference in someone else’s life.”
I don’t think God said this, but I laughed at myself–was that my second request?
I don’t worship a genie God who waves His hands and gives me the desires of my heart. I worship a God who gave me gifts that He might be glorified through them. The honor and acclaim needs to be His, not mine.
That’s easy to say, but what does it really mean? I needed to confront my reasons for wanting to write.
So what is the real state of my heart? Why do I want to write a book? Click to Tweet
I hate to admit it, but the real, honest truth hidden deep in the recesses of my soul is, I want to prove a point.
Unfortunately, the people I most want to impress are dead. Long dead and will never know I actually wrote a book that was published.
My mother always expected me to amount to something–she put up with a lot to make sure I had a secure and happy childhood filled with opportunities. If I wanted to be a writer, she wanted to make sure I had the opportunity. I’m sorry she’ll never know my name appears on the cover of A Log Cabin Christmas Collection.
She lived long enough to see my name on the masthead of the UCLA Daily Bruin and to get a copy of Military Lifestyles Magazine when I won the grand prize short story contest. She saw the biography I wrote about my grandmother and of her parents. She knew I was writing Pioneer Stock, but never learned it ended up in the Library of Congress, much less in genealogical libraries around the country.
I’m sorry, Mom, it took me so long.
My Aunt Rosie gave me a Webster’s Dictionary for my tenth birthday. She probably got it on sale, but was surprised at how it pleased me. I loved words and still have the volume, the pages brown and spotted with age. She asked me one day when I was in college what I planned to do. “I want to write,” I said.
“Really? What do you have to write about?”
“Oh, my thoughts and stories.”
She sniffed.
Auntie Rosie lived long enough to read Travels with Jeanette, a story I wrote about touring Europe with my mother. Not published, but complete. She liked it, as did her brother, because it brought my mother alive again for them.
My uncle’s wife, Auntie Arly, read Travels with Jeanette as well, and liked the parts about my mother but wanted me to write a mystery next.
She never understood that it didn’t quite work that way. 🙂
They’re all gone now, and won’t hold this book with my name on the cover in their hands.
So, what else was I trying to prove?
I spent twenty years following my naval officer husband around the world, raising our children in a variety of locales, teaching Bible study and doing almost anything but writing. Unlike most of my close friends–or at least most of the godmothers of my children–I did not work a job. To be able to publish a novel would demonstrate all my fine IQ points were not wasted on raising children. That’s the other point I needed to prove.
Except I know, as many of you know, that I didn’t waste all those years raising children, making a home and teaching Bible study–not to mention working at pregnancy counseling centers, volunteering as a Navy Relief budget counselor and all the hours at eleven different school districts.
I know. You know. But I didn’t feel accomplished.
After that day praying, I knew there was no point in God answering the desire of my heart to be published if I thought being published would be the pinnacle of my life. I needed to recognize I have worth in God’s eyes beyond what I can produce.
Intellectually, I understand completely. Emotionally, I struggle.
A Log Cabin Christmas arrived yesterday. I held the book in my hands and looked at the green embossed title, my own name in small letters on the bottom line. I hefted it in my hand, flipped through the pages and marveled at seeing words I typed on this very computer, printed into a book. It felt humbling and marvelous.
It reminded me of holding a new baby: the joy, the awe, the wonder.
But you know what? A baby is more valuable than a book.
I am humbled to have a book with my name on the cover. I wish my parents and my aunts had lived to see it.
But more importantly, I know my parents and my aunts lived to see my four children and my happy marriage.
They died knowing I am a success.
Thanks be to God.
The Bittersweet Humility of a Published Book Click to Tweet
I just KNEW you were a kindred spirit. I could have written this post myself (almost).
Yes, Julie, we’re all sisters under the skin! And when we get to heaven and God congratulates on all the years we spent toiling in the PCC ministries, everything will be made clear!
Blessings to you.
Thank you for your honesty in this post, Michelle. With two boys (five and six years old) going to school full time this year, I feel the outside world pressuring me to give up my writing dream and pursue something more “grounded.” I also feel the need to prove that all “my fine IQ points were not wasted on raising children.”
But you put things in perspective for me. Thank you for reminding me that I have worth in God’s eyes beyond what I produce–boy, did I need to hear that today! 😉
Thank you, and God bless!
This is such a powerful and important message. I’m going to post it on my Writing Platform Facebook page. Excited for you!
Everybody loves it when the good guys win.
“Unfortunately, the people I most want to impress are dead. Long dead and will never know I actually wrote a book that was published…”
They know. And I would guess they are rejoicing with you. Because:
“…seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses… (Heb. 12:1) … to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn… to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus …” (Heb. 12:22-24)
Seems to me one can only be designated a witness if they actually see something. Which leads to the possibility that you just might be fulfilling some of your family’s dreams for you as well as your own.
Just a thought. But it definitely gave me a “jolt of joy” when I pondered it.
What a lovely post. Thanks.
Michelle, thanks for pointing me to your blog. This post in particular speaks volumes to me. You have put into words that burning thing inside of them that I have never been able to atriculate. OUr lives have been so paralell. Now that my kids are grown, I feel like I can pursue my writing without the guilt I always felt before. Now… to get busy!
Beautiful, Michelle.