Interested in genealogy?
I’ve been an amateur genealogist for more than 20 years. I spent five years researching what turned into a detailed family history called Pioneer Stock.
It has over 900 endnotes, so everything is accounted for.
I stopped my active researching in 2001 when I self-published Pioneer Stock, but keep my hand in through genealogy websites and the occasional question.
If you think you may share one of my ancestors, you probably should take a look at what I have.
Pioneer Stock is available in the Library of Congress; the Allen County Genealogical Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana; the DAR Genealogical Libraries in Washington, D.C. and Honolulu; a variety of LDS family history centers, and the big LDS Genealogical Library in Salt Lake City, Utah.
I’ll also make selected chapters available on PDFs if you email me and ask.
While I focused on my particular line when writing the book, a good researcher would want to examine what I have to find clues for their own family members.
To that end, each family line is limited to a chapter which includes the bibliography (noting call numbers and particular library used) and all the endnotes for that particular chapter.
My genealogy lines in North America simplify down to these (listing the immigrant ancestor and location):
Francis Posey, 1627 Charles County, MD. Auxiliary lines Bayne, Hobart/Hubbard and possibly Rutherford.
Family went to Georgia post Revolution, thence through Mississippi, ending in Anderson County, TX 1850.
Henry Arthur Dial and wife Isabella Hasting circa 1750 Laurens County, SC. Auxiliary lines include Abercrombie, Cunningham and Stallsworth.
Family moved to Texas circa 1850.
John Hill and Frances Tillestone, circa 1630 Dorchester, MA. (This line is uncertain owing to the many Hills).
The family moved south to Pennsylvania, Virginia and married into the Hanks family in Kentucky circa 1801.
Charles Dodson circa 1680 northern neck, Virginia. Auxiliary lines include Durham, Rose and possibly Neville.
Dodsons married into the Hanks family in Pittsylvania County, VA, and moved with them to Tennessee and thence to Anderson County, TX 1836.
Thomas Hanks circa 1680 northern neck, Virginia. Auxiliary lines include Hill, Dodson, Durham, as noted above.
This is the line which may or may not connect our family to President Abraham Lincoln. Our branch went to Tennessee and thence to Anderson County, TX 1836.
Doesn’t Everyone Have a Smith?
Smith, in the beginning Virginia.
This line may or may not be linked to Captain John Smith of Jamestown fame, through his brother.
It gets very close to the George Washington line and that of just about every other famous Virginia family before the Revolution and pretty much makes us part of the FFV–“Fine Families of Virginia.”
The Smiths include auxiliary lines of Ballard, Hubbard, Bibb and Fleming, all of whom ended up connected to the Waddys who married the Duvals and moved on to Mississippi before ending up in Anderson County, Texas, circa 1850
Anthony Waddy (or maybe Samuel) circa 1633 St. Peters or New Kent County, Virginia. Auxiliary lines include Street, Craighill, Parke, Phillips and maybe Winston.
Married into the Duval line and ended up in Anderson County, TX circa 1855.
Daniel Duval and Philadelphia Dubois 1701 York County, VA. Includes references to auxiliary lines Thompson, Carter, Jennings and all of the above lines.
Moved to Mississippi circa 1830 and thence to Anderson County, Texas.
If you would like more information, contact Michelle to discuss your ancestral line. If there’s a match, she’ll send you the PDF of her pertinent line.
Or, you can purchase Pioneer Stock for $15 including mailing.