World War I
I have recently written a novel set in World War I and thus I have written a number of background posts about the subject. Here they are in no particular order:

My grandfather, a private during World War I
My favorite World War I Research Books
A Doughboy Earns His Citizenship
Traveler’s Tales: The London War Zone
Mary Rinehart: WWI Female Correspondent
WWI: The National Gallery of Art
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and You
Graves and Memorials along the Western Front
World War I and the Influenza Horror
Edith Clavell and Personal Sacrifice
World War I Animals

Most repinned photo on my Pinterest boards!
World War I: Enter the Animals
WWI Animals: Elephants on Parade
WWI Animals: Pigeons Save the Day
WWI Animals: Down Under Mascots and Helpers
WWI: A YMCA Worker’s Camel Tale
World War I Pinterest Boards

The mud, but most importantly, the soldiers working together
I maintain a variety of Pinterest boards about World War I: